Adding a VR feature to the visualizer

1 votes

I know this might sound crazy, but "watching" my music yesterday made me think of how innovative (even if crazy) it would be to have a VR mode for the visualizers.
I suppose it would be fine to just duplicate the visualizer effect twice instead of being able to "look around", but I believe it would be very mentally stimulating to be able to completely immerse into the visualizer that way.

I don't think any music player on earth has the option of a VR visualizer for your music, at least to my knowledge.
It could be an option during install since most won't want/nor have VR for that.

No clue if this is realistic but I thought I'd share it before I forget it.

Under consideration Suggested by: mikoyan Upvoted: 01 Nov, '23 Comments: 1

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